Friday, January 15, 2010

When To Invest In Electronic Security and Monitoring.

People hate the idea of recurring bills. "That's all I need...another monthly bill." Worse yet, a long term contract stating that you will continue to pay that bill for five years (or three or even one year) or else...!

Most of the time, people see the value of having a security system monitored 24/7/365. This type of scenario is called a "monitored" security system. Go figure, right? Well there are two other options when installing a security system, neither of which require a monthly fee from an alarm company, much less a contract. Most professional alarm equipment can be installed and programmed to call out to any phone number. So instead of having the alarm appliance contact a professional monitoring center, it is programmed to call, for example, your cell phone or perhaps a neighbor. You'll want to avoid having it dial up the police. More later on that. Finally, the alarm system can be used for it's intrinsic deterrent value. Basically, if there is an intrusion, the appliance makes a lot of noise. More on this later, too.

Of course all opinions and suggestions manumitted here are subject to your own better idea. I'm not proud.

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