Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Deterrent Tools- Yard Signs and Such

Let's talk a little about the pro's and con's of window stickers and yard signs.  Lately it seems that the rumor people are spreading 'round is that by placing these items on and around your home you are letting the bad guys know what type of system is in the house and thereby telling him how to disarm the system.  There are also people who believe that signs and stickers are just free advertising for the alarm company.  Finally, there are people that don't want to warn the criminal element that there is any alarm notification appliance in the home in order to "catch them red-handed."  The biggest truth in all of these items is that it is people who spread these bald-faced lies and notions. 

There are very few manufacturers of alarm equipment, maybe four good ones, and hundreds of alarm installation companies in every city and hamlet from here to Timbuck-three.  Most of the technology between the manufacturers works the same as all the others, essentially.  Consequently, if a thief knows how to disable one alarm system, he can disable any of them.  The key is to make it hard for him to do this...
First, make sure to back up your phone line with a cellular device...they are sure to cut your outside communication lines first.  Second, ensure that the control panel- the real brain of the alarm system- is out of the way; hidden in a basement or closet.  Third, if you fear your panel may be easy to find, place a lock box over it and conduit around the wire bundle coming in to it.  Finally, protect your codes.  Many break-ins happen because some one your tongue wagging friends mysteriously gets the code and knows exactly where you store your expensive video recorder.

Statistics show that most criminals move on to another house or business if they see an alarm sign in the yard or on the doors and windows.  That should be enough said about that, though I feel I should go ahead and throw in a jab like "who cares if the alarm company gets a little free publicity for doing a good job of protecting your home?"

Now about catching the thief...unless you are dealing with a specific crime, at a specific time and plan an ambush, the chances are relatively slim that the alarm system will react in time to have the police dispatched and at your home in time to actually apprehend the offender.  If you really want to catch some one in the act, invest in a video system and then let them rob you blind.

Of course all opinions and suggestions manumitted here are subject to your own better idea. I'm not proud.

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