Friday, January 15, 2010

Continued- when to get monitoring...

There may be legitimate reasons not to have a security system monitored.  Naturally, if there isn't enough money in the budget, maybe this is the main reason, but make sure you weigh the benefit of monitored security against a bill like cable, or the fourth family cell phone.  You get the point.

But perhaps your goal is to keep some one IN and be notified if they are trying to sneak out the window into the waiting arms of some unapproved miscreant with a four day old driver's license.  Then you may not care to have a monitoring center involved.  Feel free to tell me if you can think of another legitimate reason for not having some one keep an eye (or and ear) on your home or business while you can't be there.  Self monitoring is not a bad option either, if you will always be able to receive the call.  You are depending on your cell phone to always be in range, always charged and you will always need to be available.  Oh!  You will also need to have the ability to contact some one who can do something about it if you call from half way across the country because there's an alarm event.

Finally, the moment I have been waiting for.  It oozes sarcasm, of which I am a fan.  When should you buy a security sytem?  I will tell you... wait until the very last minute.  The night before you experience a home invasion, you should call to have an alarm system installed.  You wouldn't want to pay all of those monitoring fees before it is absolutely necessary.

Of course all opinions and suggestions manumitted here are subject to your own better idea. I'm not proud.

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