Thursday, May 31, 2012

Evaluating Value: A 2012 Safety Odyssey…

If you were planning to jump out of an airplane, would you be shopping for the best price available?  Would you choose a well-known, reputable agency with years of experience or a company just getting into the business?  Do you choose a company that owns its own equipment, employs its own pilots and instructors?  Do you take the recommendation of other people who’ve used the company before and still appear to be alive?  Who would you trust for the experience of a lifetime, if it could be the last experience of a lifetime?

How many chances will you have to get it right the first time?  What are the consequences of choosing poorly?  Is home security worth getting right the first time?  If you choose wisely, chances are good that you'll only have to make this investment once in each home you own.


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