Friday, June 25, 2010

Deterrance plus just plain awesome

Naturally, a primary function of any alarm system is to deter criminal activity at the home.  Alarm company yard signs and window stickers are a great start.  Some signs even carry a little more weight than others.  People wisely choose to leave lights on or put them on timers when leaving for any lengthy period of time.  They stop the mail and have the newspaper stopped.  Having neighbors park in the driveway and having children play in the yard make the house look occupied.  All of this is great.  Are you ready for the next level?

How would it be if you could turn on TV's and stereos, game boxes, vacuum cleaners and other household gadgets right through your web-connected alarm system?  How about the ability to review daily home events through a personal web interface accessed from anywhere on earth, or change the timing of the lights coming on, or arm and disarm the system remotely?  Would it be comforting to see video from inside the home through that same portal?

What if an event, such a child arriving home from school could trigger the alarm system to send a text message and a video clip of their safe delivery home?  How about a text alert if the child doesn't arrive home at the expected time? 

...and what if it all came at the same prices people have been paying for alarm systems all along?

Contact me for more information.

Of course all opinions and suggestions manumitted here are subject to your own better idea. I'm not proud.

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